'Fine Weather' version of Kurrajong route. A little less intensive on the system for better frame rates. You must have the original Kurrajong route installed to use this. This is a bug fixed version (15 Feb 02). kurrafine1.zip (50kb) The Richmond to Kurrajong route for BVE2 - includes route, objects and sounds. Split into 2 files to make it easier to download - just unzip both to your BVE directory. kurra1.zip (781 kb) kurra2.zip (788 kb) My Camden Route. 1.21 MB. Unzip to your BVE directory (mine is c:\program files). Includes route, objects, and sound. You need to download the sound patch (below) for my 30 Class loco to get the best effect on this route. Camden Route 1.21 MB Tweaked sounds for my 30 Class loco, 140 Kb. Needed for the best effect in the Camden Route ! Unzip and overwrite to your 30 Class directory. Download this file (rather than the whole loco below) if you already have the loco. update30.zip 144Kb Updated 30 Class. Tweak'd some sounds and pruned. Download this if you don't already have the loco, 725 KB. Unzip to BVE\train\30Class to use. Overwrite all previous files with these ones if you already have it (it is easier / you only need to get the patched file above if you already have the loco). 30Class Updated 725 KB Download the (original) train files here (1.12 mb total zipped). I have left these to help those that are having trouble downloading the the larger file above in one hit. I have split the files into 3 x ~400k zips to make it easier to download. You need to download all three zips ! To use these files, extract all the files to the BVE trains directory under its own directory name, eg 30class; edit the route file that you wish to use it on, and change the train directory to whatever directory you extracted the files to. 30Class1.zip 30Class2.zip 30Class3.zip BVE1 audio fix file (NOT needed for BVE2). Only download if having problems with no motor / brake audio under BVE1. Overwrite previous motor0.wav file; add brake.wav (One person reported a problem with BVE version 1, this is an attempted fix; untested by me as BVE1 won't run on my system). BVE1audiofix.zip (137kb) Replacement motor0, klaxon and loop sounds from the famous small tourist loco 'Puffing Billy', sent to me by Phil from Australia. The whistle sound is great ! pbrsound.zip (127 kb) A small motor0.wav replacement sound, cut from a recording of a 38 Class Pacific. Sounds slightly deeper off the mark. You will need to extract to the BVE\train\30Class directory and overwrite motor0. 38motor0.wav (25kb) |